63 articles Articles posted in News

Staycation day 6

Staycation day 6

Day 6: Sunday We attempted to go to bed earlier last night so that we wouldn’t miss the first service at church this morning. But inevitably, we were exhausted from an emotional and spontaneous week, so we attended the second service instead. I in a light dress, and Cobalt in swim trunks and a t-shirt, we dressed for the beach in case we were in the mood to take a stroll afterwards in the beautiful …

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Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 5

Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 5

Day 5: Saturday This morning we walked to our nearby grocery store (1/2 mile away) to buy milk for cereal. After breakfast we enjoyed some LEGO building, accompanied by Gotye, Freelance Whales and Josh Garrels Pandora Radios. At one point I took a break to pack a little bit and cleaning our room (after LEGO mess ;)). In the evening, Cobalt played some video games with Joel and I just chilled in our room for …

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Studio229 Update + Moving this Summer

Studio229 Update + Moving this Summer

March 2016 Since the new year, quite a bit has happened – at least, in regards to Cobalt’s company. I really should have the husband write a post about how Studio229 (S229) is doing … but I’ll do my best to nutshell some of the deets :) For the last six months, S299 has been seeking investment/funding so that it can move into a legit office space and hire a legit team of artists to expand talent, repertoire …

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Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 3

Day 3: Thursday After sleeping in once more, researching a few more homes on craigslist and eating another late breakfast of waffles topped with peanut butter and strawberry jam, Cobalt and I spent a couple of hours exploring downtown LA via Google maps to see what there is to do. We made a big list but then ultimately decided we needed to do our taxes. Lame but very necessary! One day we hope to explore …

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Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 2

Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 2

Day 2: Wednesday We started the day around noon — sleeping in feels so good when you have no obligations! — with a wonderful brunch – homemade waffles with peanut butter, homemade strawberry jam and real whipped cream! This meal hit the spot and prolonged our hunger all the way until late afternoon. Then we headed to Del Cerro Park (north section of Portuguese Bend Reserve)

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Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 1

Spring Break Stay-cation: Day 1

What a perfect week for Spring Break!!! Because my students don’t have school, I don’t have to work, so Cobalt kindly asked for four days off this week so he could hang out with me. :D Day 1: Tuesday After sleeping in, Hubs and I researched apartments online (spoiler alert! we’re moving to another area of LA! More on this soon…) and discussed options for our week-long vacation. Finally having the opportunity, we really wanted …

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Edible Gardening in Los Angeles

Edible Gardening in Los Angeles

Purple Cauliflower - cold season If you’re not familiar, Los Angeles hosts two distinct seasons – cool and warm. By cool I mean the ~40s at night in the winter and by warm I mean up to ~90s in the summer. Consequently, both seasons allow a pleasant variety of crops to grow year round. I’ve officially lived through two full seasons in Los Angeles and am nearly finished with another cold season. It’s weird that in February we’re going to …

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New Year 2016

New Year 2016

Gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve written! I’ve thought to update on our “LA Life” so many times but reconsidered — for a lot of the things that had been going on were in my heart and I didn’t wanted to publicly admit my sins of selfishness, fear, and lack of control. Who wants to read an online blog that lists complaints after complaints? (Well, maybe one that is eloquently dictated.) So instead of writing, I’ve been …

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Fall in Los Angeles

Fall in Los Angeles

“Autumn Days” – Chattanooga, TN  | Hope Cox Two years ago seems an awfully long time. That’s how long it’s been since this picture was taken. Two years since we’ve experienced a Tennessee Autumn. Recently I’ve found myself quietly choking up when I see photos or videos floating around social medias and magazines and documentaries of mossy, lush forests or colorful, autumn trees or beautiful, rushing rivers… Sigh… what has LA done to me?? Oh! I …

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Misconceptions of Western Culture

Misconceptions of Western Culture

Hollywood Wax Museum I find it very interesting that the majority of the world wants to move to the West… Western Culture is, somehow, intriguing. The promise of Freedom. Employment. Adventure. The so-called “American Dream.” It’s all very mysterious, really. I shan’t bore you with discussing the US of A’s pros and cons about “liberty and justice for all.” If you’re reading this, you’re probably a US citizen and are familiar with this concept. And are probably grateful, …

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Adapting & Trusting the Lord

Adapting & Trusting the Lord

Written April 2015 In July of last year, when Cobalt and I began discussing more intentionally that we could move somewhere and probably would move to Los Angeles, the forefront concern was: “We can’t afford to move there!” Consequently, that was everyone else’s concern, too. ‘Twas valid, no doubt – Our living expenses here are three times more than in Tennessee and we projected to be making about the same income. But we believed God led us to LA for a reason …

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Cobalt and I haven’t written in a while, mostly due to busyness and the fact that soaking in new turf takes a while to process… But without further adieu, here’s our overdue update: Culture Shock When telling our friends in Tennessee that we were moving to California, most of them gave us wide eyes declaring, “Oh! Won’t you experience culture shock there??” I always thought this comment interesting considering that culture shock is …

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Home…Sweet *New* Home

Home…Sweet *New* Home

There are several of these HUGE palm trees in our neighborhood. Cobalt and I like to take walks and observe how everyone decors their house with either native plants or plants of their own (or nothing, as some yards are completely bare, dirt/sand and all). Six weeks since we’ve moved to Los Angeles…two weeks longer than our adventure last summer (one and a half weeks in LA and the rest driving around the country). Most days …

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Week 1: Adapting

Week 1: Adapting

Sunday, Cobalt and I visited the beach for the first time this year  This week I’ve been learning how to both live in California (which is coming more naturally than I would have guessed) and how to let go of the material stuff I left behind in Chattanooga (which is much harder than I imagined). More about the former in this post and the latter in the next. Friday, after five days being in the house …

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We Made it to Los Angeles!

We Made it to Los Angeles!

Can it be that Cobalt and I have already been in Los Angeles for four days? Well, three full days if you want to be technical… Truly, it feels like a week; the past seven days were such a blur of activity — last minute packing and selling of furniture and whatnot, along with seeing friends for the final time. And then of course the drive across the country! We left Saturday morning around 11am Eastern, three hours …

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