
What a perfect week for Spring Break!!! Because my students don’t have school, I don’t have to work, so Cobalt kindly asked for four days off this week so he could hang out with me. :D

Day 1: Tuesday

After sleeping in, Hubs and I researched apartments online (spoiler alert! we’re moving to another area of LA! More on this soon…) and discussed options for our week-long vacation.

Finally having the opportunity, we really wanted to go camping in Sequoia National Park (or Joshua Tree for plan B)… but with last minute planning (apparently camping is uber popular here but we’re realizing that you’ve gotta reserve several months in advance!! mostly because camping is only for designated places… basically, there are more restrictions and stuff… it’s a lot more fun to camp in TN! :( meh. ) …and surprisingly chilly temperatures (it’s been hot all month up until this week! But it’s like 40s at night in the Mtns and we don’t have the proper camping equipment yet to stay warm!), we opted for a stay-cation instead.

It’s been a while since we checked out the diversions in Los Angeles anyway. And actually Cobalt hasn’t ventured out since we moved here because I have the car most days. Also, I’ve given our guests tours of the city while Cobalt works.

Because this planning took ALL day, we ended the evening with a late-night run (or in this case, 3/4 mile walk) to the new In-N-Out in our neighborhood, ordering a Double Double and a Cheeseburger, animal style, extra toasted — SO GOOD — and watching Mr. Bean’s Holiday til midnight. :P

Tomorrow we’re planning to go hiking nearby!