Saying goodbye to the sister in laws on October 4, 2014.
Today marks two years since Cobalt and I moved to Los Angeles. Friends have been asking us: “Did it go by quickly?” And my reply would be: they’ve been the shortest two years of my life … and simultaneously the longest two years of my life.
Day to Day Life Flies By
Since the weather is fairly consistent, I find that the days and weeks go by swiftly and tend to blend together. I don’t remember events and dates very well because every day feels the same. Even the winter holidays don’t feel quite right, when the sun is shining and the beach is beckoning (and when our Asian friends serve teriyaki chicken at every church function… ha!). Workdays are similar as well, with a few schedule differences depending on the day of the week. Regardless, we begin and end each day with the same routines.
Homesickness Slows Life Down
Homesickness creates the drawn-out portions of the year (for me, anyway.) Within the fast-passing days, my heart carries a constant ache about it — throbbing in the pit of my stomach — to be close to familiar. To see my family laughing (and arguing) whilst sharing a meal. To catch up with my old friends whose lives are happening faster than mine. To be lost in a forest with a lapping stream beneath my feet. To eat food that matches the weather (apple cider and chai lattes are NOT the same when it’s 80F outside in October!). To watch the seasons change alongside the time of year. To lay in the grass and watch a sunset melt gradients of yellow, pink, orange and purple across the sky. To wake up in the middle of the night to a thunderstorm. Oh, my goodness … I miss rain so much…
I’m lucky to have been able to fly out to see my family a few times. But husband and I have yet to visit Cobalt’s. God-willing, we can travel out to Chattanooga this Christmas.
This Experience is Invaluable
All in all, Cobalt and I both agree that moving away from everything we knew in Tennessee (friends, family, food, familiar places, jobs) and road-tripping with nothing but the clothes on our backs and a car-full of life “essentials” is something we would never take back. It takes a lot of courage to start over. To find new communities and (hopefully) life-long relationships. To find and adjust to new occupations. To acclimate to a new terrain and climate. To adapt old habits to new surroundings. To live amongst a different culture of food, people and entertainments. To transition from a county of 350,000 to 10 million people (Los Angeles is one of the largest cities in the United States).
These types of experiences have beckoned a maturing of our hearts that would not have happened if we’d stayed in Chattanooga! When I look at The Move with this perspective, I am filled with thankfulness to God for calling us out here. In no way would I had admitted this a year ago when I was so bitter! But it’s amazing how HE will calm your heart if you just stop fighting. Praise Him for His patience and steadfast love towards us!