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When I was little – about middle school aged – the coolest thing happened on Easter:

The electricity had been out for a few days around town (for what I can’t remember) and everyone on Saturday was worried that we’d not meet for church when it came to Sunday morning. Nevertheless, the pastor agreed to meet anyway. It’s about time we Baptists perfected our a capella, right? ;-)

I don’t actually remember the sound of any a capella. Probably because the orchestra included instruments that don’t need electricity: brass, string, flute and piano. But what I DO remember about the service was truly magical.

For the final song of the Easter service, our choir sang the “Hallelujah Chorus.” As all of the sopranos, altos, tenors and bases came back together after their many rounds of “…and He shall reign for ever and ever,” they belted the last lines.

“Hallelujah! Breath Hallelujah! Breath Hallelujah! Breath Hallelujah!”

This followed with a sudden synchronized silence, then a deep inhale of breaths…

“Ha leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  luuuu yaaaaaahhhh!!!”

God couldn’t have shown up at a better time. At this very moment, as the choir crescendoed to four whole notes, the stained-glass Jesus that framed the choir loft brilliantly flickered on illuminating the dark room.

I remember everyone mouthing and breathing “ooooo!” with excitement. Then – the light suddenly flickered off again as if it had never been on.

While all were disappointed that the electricity wasn’t actually on yet, there was a new, fresh excitement in the air that completely melted every unhappy heart. I remember talking about it with my family after church, praying that those who came to the service without Jesus in their hearts left changed.


Besides that special day, this year was probably my favorite Easter. During this first Easter together (dating, engaged and married), Cobalt and I had the fabulous opportunity to serve at our church – The Springs Church in Ringgold, GA. What was great is that it was more than just the tech stuff we’ve been helping out with for a few months now (which is all very important tasks, don’t get me wrong!). While Cobalt painted a portrait of Jesus for the Good Friday service, I sang with the extra vocals on Easter Sunday.

It was so much fun being a part of the every-day planning of Easter. Between choir rehearsals and discussions with the leaders, Cobalt and I literally saw people from church every day of Holy week! I point this out because seeing them one day a week right now has made it harder for us to make deeper friends (though volunteering has helped dramatically!).

2013-04-03T19-09-57_8 (2) (1024x1024)Cobalt with his breath-taking portrait

On the Saturday before Easter, The Springs had a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt with 3,000 eggs, cotton candy, snow cones and inflatables. This was definitely the first time I’d been a part of this big of an event. It was fun!


Me and my new friend, Beth rockin’ the cotton candy table. Yes – that is real cotton candy in our hair.


This was my first experience making cotton candy. People were joking that the “nutritionist” (aka me) was doing this task. Ha!


This was our set for the Easter Sunday service. Can you find me?


And of course – who could say no to Grandmother’s Easter cookies,
decorated by Cobalt’s sister Cyan? Mmmm :)

 After the week was over, I truly missed all the festivities. But that just means we’ll have to help out again next year!