Bob Schellhammer photography


To our dearest friends and family:

We pray your Christmas was as pleasurable as ours!  For us, the whole month was a refreshing rest from all the planning and busyness before and since our union in June.  Having the free time to clean the house for guests, joyfully host friends and family, sleep in, stay up late, and spend time with each other and our families was a blessing like none other. We thank our Father for that and look forward to the year to come!

A quick update since our marriage…

Ze Honeymoon: Our first night was at The Hawley House B&B, the oldest building in the oldest town of Tennessee.  The following morning, after a scrumptious breakfast with our hostess and another couple, we headed to Pioneer Cabins and Guest Farm in Townsend, TN for six days.  All week we had fun creating our own meals from wedding leftovers and what we could find on the little farm.  We picked veggies and fruits including tomatoes, kale, radishes, onions, garlic, herbs, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.  In addition, our hostess Diane and her husband Roger were very kind to answer our questions about gardening and their experience hosting guests.  Other than cooking and eating, we also enjoyed many games of Settlers of Catan; movies; inner-tubing and a couple local restaurants.  Our last night, we made dinner for Diane and Roger to thank them for hosting us.  By Sunday we were ready to get back to our home in Chattanooga, TN that Cobalt had been preparing since March.

Upon returning: Cobalt resumed working hard for his dad at his sign shop, Prizam Signs & Graphics, whilst I got accustomed to the house and a new city.  With the sprouting tomato and pepper plants Cobalt had seeded in April, I tended to a garden.  Other than nurturing our own plants, I started volunteering at a local farm called Crabtree; and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about plants, farming and the kind of work that is expected.  I plan to continue this year, and hope to have a farm of my own someday.  In the meantime, I am regularly updating my foodblog ( to document my recipes, grocery tip discoveries, and sustainable living interests.  Oh! I almost forgot: the last thing that happened this summer was getting six hens. One ended up “turning into” a rooster, so we got another one. They currently reside at the Coxes’ house, which is next door to ours and started laying eggs in December.

This fall: Cobalt partnered with his former roommate Joel Gerlach in their business Studio 229, dreamed about when they were in college. From story boarding to filming to visual effects (i.e. pre-production, production and post production), Cobalt and Joel can do the job for you! Check ‘em out at for more info.  In August, I began school at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga (UTC) to continue my dietetics degree, which I should complete May 2014.  Around this time we also planted some kale that we are still waiting to harvest.

Many blessings to you this new year!

Much love,
