Monthly Archives: October 2014

Week 1: Adapting

Week 1: Adapting

Sunday, Cobalt and I visited the beach for the first time this year  This week I’ve been learning how to both live in California (which is coming more naturally than I would have guessed) and how to let go of the material stuff I left behind in Chattanooga (which is much harder than I imagined). More about the former in this post and the latter in the next. Friday, after five days being in the house …

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We Made it to Los Angeles!

We Made it to Los Angeles!

Can it be that Cobalt and I have already been in Los Angeles for four days? Well, three full days if you want to be technical… Truly, it feels like a week; the past seven days were such a blur of activity — last minute packing and selling of furniture and whatnot, along with seeing friends for the final time. And then of course the drive across the country! We left Saturday morning around 11am Eastern, three hours …

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